
  • Who is eligible to receive the scholarship?
    • 任何符合佩尔助学金资格的学生在来到GC时,保持至少2分.在GC累计GPA达到5分的学生将获得GC担保奖学金.
  • Are transfer students eligible to receive the GC Guarantee?
    • 是的, 只要他们在GC开始时满足佩尔资格要求,并在每个秋季学期结束时满足GPA要求.
  • What if I start in the Spring term? Will I get the scholarship the first year?
    • 是的. 在春季入学并符合佩尔助学金资格的学生将立即获得下一财年经济援助计划的GC担保,而无需考虑GPA要求. 不过,在接下来的几年里,他们的累积GPA必须至少达到2分.5 to receive the scholarship.
  • 我将如何在我的经济援助计划中看到这项奖学金?
    • 奖学金不会在学生的大一学年出现, but for each subsequent year at GC, 奖学金数额等于学生入学第一年以来的所有学费涨幅. 其结果是,学费在四年内不会增加.
  • What if I don’t graduate in four years?
    • All GC scholarships are only guaranteed for four years, 但是学生可以申请获得额外一年的奖学金. 如果申请被批准,此申请也将适用于GC保证奖学金.
  • When does the GC GPA need to be at least a 2.5累积?
    • All current students are packaged for the upcoming academic year during the Spring semester; therefore the cumulative GPA that will be evaluated will be at the end of the previous Fall semester.  If the student achieves a 2.5累积 GPA at the end of the Fall term, then they will receive/continue to receive the scholarship.  Similarly, if a student falls below a 2.在秋季学期结束时累积绩点为5,但之后至少达到2.在春季或夏季学期后,学生的累积GPA为5 不会 有资格申请下一个财政援助年度的GC保证奖学金.
  • What is a cumulative GPA?
    • 累积绩点, 或平均绩点, 是一种量化学生在GC整体表现的方法. 只有在GC上的课程才会计算在累积GPA中. 大概是4.0 is equivalent to an overall A, a 3.从0到整体B,再到2.0 to an overall C, and a 1.从0到D. A 2.5累积 GPA is equivalent to a BC grade.
  • What happens if my cumulative GPA drops below a 2.5?
    • 第二年将不再申请GC保证奖学金, 但是已经申请的奖学金不会被取消. 换句话说,如果一个学生在第一年没有达到2分.5 GPA at the end of the fall term, 那么她将不会在第二年获得GC担保,并且需要支付任何学费和费用的增加. If a student in his third year, 然而, 已经申请了两次GC保证奖学金(一次进入第二年, 第三年的额外增长也是如此), then fails to achieve a 2.5 GPA at the end of the Fall term in that third year, 那么他将不会获得任何额外的GC保证奖学金来支付他进入第四年的学费和费用的增加, 但他不会失去他在前两年获得的GC保证奖学金.
  • 如果我降到2以下怎么办.5 GPA and lose the scholarship, but then get above a 2.5 by the end of a subsequent Fall? Can I earn the scholarship 回来 once I’ve lost it?
    • If a student earns less than a cumulative 2.5 GPA at the end of a given fall, 他将不能申请下一个财政援助年度的GC保证奖学金. 但是,如果在随后的秋季,学生的累积GPA达到或超过2.5又, 那么该学生将获得相当于下一年学费和费用增加的GC保证奖学金. 重新申请的奖学金将不包括学生没有资格获得奖学金时发生的任何增长. 换句话说, 而学生的学杂费可能会在他没有资格获得奖学金的时候上涨一点, 如果学生再次达到GPA要求,那么学费和杂费将有效地“冻结”在新的费率上.
  • GC保证是否也包括食宿(住房和食物)的潜在增长?
    • No. This scholarship is designed to cover tuition increases, 因此,任何增加的食宿费都不在奖学金范围内.

请联系 财务规划 with any other questions regarding eligibility


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